
Fresh Foam


Don’t Let Foul Dumpster Odors Ruin Your Summer

When your dumpster develops an unpleasant odor, it is likely due to organic waste such as meats, vegetables, urine and other organic materials. Decaying waste and the foul odors it produces attracts insects and pests which can result in even bigger issues than just bad smells. Consequently, eliminating odors shouldn’t be limited to indoors. Eliminating these foul smells outside is an extremely important part of maintaining a healthy, clean facility.

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Why Professional Carpet Cleaning is a Must

As a business owner, you know that first impressions can make or break a deal. The first impression needs to send the right message about your business, and since commercial carpets withstand a lot of wear and tear, it is important they are part of that good first impression. However, that first impression isn’t the only reason to have your commercial carpets professionally cleaned. Read on to learn why you need professional carpet cleaning from our experts at Fresh Foam.

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Having a Clean Elevator Is More Important Than You Think

Regularly cleaning your elevator may not seem like a top priority for your business or property but keeping this area clean is just as important as other areas of your location. In addition to keeping it looking clean, routine cleaning is important for the operation, safety, and efficiency of your elevator.

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Trash Chutes – More Important Than You Think

Trash chutes offer an easy, safe way to dispose of the large amounts of trash created in a multi-story building, whether that building houses apartments or businesses. That’s why keeping them clean and operating smoothly is more important than you may think.

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Hire Experts to Protect Against COVID-19

Like it or not, COVID-19 will continue to be a concern for some time. It can be overwhelming juggling local health department guidelines, customer needs, and ever-changing information about the virus. Let Fresh Foam help you keep your building safe and disinfected with one of our multiple disinfection options.

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Are You Keeping Up With Your Duties as a Building Manager?

COVID-19 has brought with it many additional concerns and precautions as people all over the world work to keep each other safe. From masking to social distancing, most people are responsible only for their own and their family’s actions. As a building manager, you have additional responsibilities to consider in order to keep your building’s occupants and your employees safe. Let Fresh Foam ensure you, your employees, and residents are healthy and safe.

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Rodent Proof Your Business This Winter

As winter closes in and temperatures drop, you’ll no doubt be working to winter-proof your business. As you stock up on ice melt, find your shovels, and put out door mats, don’t forget to add rodent-proofing to your list. Our experts at Fresh Foam can also help clean up your dirtiest areas like trash chutes, compactor areas, dumpsters and more to help eliminate any existing areas that might attract rodents. Contact us today for more information.  

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